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About Me
My name is Mandala Pham, and at the time of me updating this website for the first time (18 September 2024), I am a senior undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin double majoring in geophysics and history. My primary major is in geophysics under the Jackson School of Geosciences. I will graduate with my Bachelors of Science and Bachelors of Arts in May of 2025.
In between my status as a full-time student, I also work part-time at the UT Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) under Dr. Ginny Catania in her Ice Dynamics Lab. My academic and career interests lie in the realm of glaciology with a particular focus on glacial modeling and subglacial processes.
Aside from scholastic and work obligations, I enjoy screenwriting and content creation. I am also passionate about environmental justice and am the founder of UT’s Collaboration for Undoing Racism in Environmental Sciences, or CURES, student organization. In my spare time, I can be found learning a new language, reading up on the history of nuclear disasters, or collecting rock specimens that appeal to my whimsy (and that I think would look funky on my bookshelf).